Water Proofing
At NBTC, we understand that one of the major challenges for designers, engineers and construction companies alike is to protect buildings from the damaging effects of water. Our philosophy recognizes that while waterproofing protection can be a relatively minor component of overall construction costs, it is a vital ingredient to successful project completion and determines the building's longevity. We also understand that our stakeholders are looking for "tried & true" systems, and that one of the critical ingredients of any system is the installation. NBTC waterproofing systems provide reliable solutions for all waterproofing designs and conditions.
Structural and foundation waterproofing, including above- and below-grade waterproofing, is a critically important component of any commercial building structure. Depending on its application, below-grade waterproofing could be pre-applied or post-applied. Post-applied waterproofing membranes are applied after the installation of the concrete walls. Pre-applied waterproofing is applied before the foundation is poured. These membranes may be used in wet environments or under wet conditions to a certain depth in order to promote soil stabilization and to provide foundation waterproofing. A pre-applied application must adhere to a strict set of installation guidelines; once the membrane has been installed, repair or maintenance is very difficult. Post-applied below grade waterproofing needs to be well-adhered and sealed to the structure, providing flexibility to accommodate structural movements. Above grade waterproofing installation can be an arduous task due to curves, corners, complex shapes and geometries, requiring a reliable waterproofing membrane.
NBTC offers advanced waterproofing membranes and technologies for virtually all above- and below-grade commercial applications. Our services include self-adhesive sheet-applied and fluid-applied waterproofing membranes, drainage composites and water-stops. Our innovations in structural waterproofing can be found in signature buildings and projects around KSA.